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Understanding smart contracts

Smart contracts are programs deployed on the blockchain. Their functions are executed with transactions.

Starton allows you to access a collection of audited smart contracts covering most frequent use cases and needs. It currently includes flavours of the classic ERC20 (cryptocurrency), ERC721 and ERC1155 (NFT) smart contracts.

Smart contract templates

ERC20 - Creating your fungible token

The ERC20 is a smart contract standard made for fungible tokens (i.e: interchangeable tokens like coins).

Smart ContractDescriptionBlockchain
ERC20 Token with fixed supplyThis meta-transaction version enables you to send transactions on behalf of your users so they can use their tokens without having to pay for gas fees.
ERC20 Token with mintable supplyThis meta-transaction enables you to send transactions on behalf of your users so they can use their tokens without having to pay for gas fees.

ERC721 - Deploy and sell your one-to-many NFTs

The ERC721 is a smart contract standard which is specialised in single-copy Non Fungible Tokens (NFT) and out-of-the-box compatible with Opensea. In an ERC721, every NFT is unique which means you have to reference the content for each NFT.

Learn how to deploy your smart contract from our web application.


The ERC721 can still be used to upload several copies of the same content but is less optimised for this use case than the ERC1155.

Smart ContractDescriptionBlockchain
ERC721 NFT Smart ContractThe smart contract template to deploy single-copy NFTs.This version allows you to dissociate the wallet funding gas fees.
ERC721 NFT with limited supplyThe capped ERC721 NFT smart contract template for single-copy Non Fungible Tokens (NFT).
ERC721 single-copy NFT SaleThis version enables you to sell NFTs.
ERC721 NFT Sale in an AuctionThis version enables you to sell NFTs to the highest bider in a time slot.
ERC721 NFT Whitelist SaleThis version enables you to sell NFTs to approved addresses in a time slot.

ERC1155 - Deploy and sell one-to-many NFTs

The ERC1155 is a smart contract standard which is specialised in multiple-copies Non Fungible Tokens (NFT) and out-of-the-box compatible with Opensea. The ERC1155 enables you to create “collections” containing several copies of the same NFT.

Smart ContractDescriptionBlockchain
ERC1155 NFTs collectionThe smart contract standard to manage multiple-copies NFTs.
ERC1155 NFT Collection SaleThis version enables you to sell collections of NFTs.
ERC1155 NFT collection Sale in an AuctionThis version enables you to sell collections of NFTs to the highest bider in a time slot.
ERC1155 NFT Whitelist SaleThis version enables you to sell NFT collections to approved addresses in a time slot.

Other templates

Smart ContractDescriptionBlockchain
Payment SplitterThe smart contract to split all payments between a list of users with a defined share for each of them. The sender is not aware that the payment is split. The contract handles the split in a transparent manner.