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  • Webhook logs view

    Webhooks are now available from our web application. You can now monitor and manage webhooks from the developer portal, offering features such as webhook lists, status tracking, and the ability to resend and canceling webhooks. You can view specific details about each webhook attempt, including server responses and HTTP codes to make the development and debugging process easier by providing clear visibility and control over all webhooks. Learn more on our Webhooks page.


  • Network Update: Polygon Mumbai Deprecated

    Following the deprecation of the Polygon Mumbai network, we are transitioning to the new Polygon Amoy network. Learn more on our Supported Networks page.

  • Network Update: Ethereum Goerli Deprecated

    Following the deprecation of the Ethereum Goerli network, we are transitioning to the new Ethereum Sepolia network. Learn more on our Supported Networks page.


  • Network Update: Arbitrum Goerli Deprecated

    We're transitioning from Arbitrum Goerli to the new Arbitrum Sepolia network. For details on supported networks, visit our Supported Networks page.

  • July
  • April
  • March